🎉 Announcing Junior Track 🎉

Have you ever wanted to go to a conference but…

Enter DDD.

This year, DDD has expanded to include development, design, data, and a fourth track focused on getting juniors involved in the community, and inspired beyond the norm of their usual day-to-day experience.

Buy your early bird tickets now - only $50: http://next.dddsydney.com.au/tickets/

Benefits of attending DDD Sydney:

Find out more at http://next.dddsydney.com.au/

What to expect

*In terms of talks, that’s up to you! Unlike most conferences, DDD leaves talk selection up to you, the attendees.

We want as diverse a pool as possible in terms of talk ideas (more info below). Once submissions are in,the public will vote on your anonymous submissions to decide what we hear on the day based on the title and abstract (only). This is your conference, you’re in control. Make sure you vote!

Have you ever wanted to give a talk?

DDD Sydney is looking for speakers just like you!

We want to create an inclusive and comfortable environment for our speakers and attendees. To make speakers feel a little more comfortable:

Not sure what to speak about?

From Front-end, Back-end, Dev-Ops, Design, Data, and beyond - we are looking for talks to inspire. From technical talks to the more personal - here are some suggestions:

Don’t forget, we’re holding a free CFP workshop Sunday 20 May to help you brainstorm and refine your submission. RSVP here